Wolfgang is working with the German NGO, Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst (forum civil peace service) based in Cologne operating in 13 international offices and in the German program called ´conflict and municipalities´.
For the past five years, his main task consists in accompanying change processes at the level of local communities and authorities (an approach called Local Conflict Counselling), responding to deadlocked or – potentially – escalating situations. He supervises the implementation of the comparatively new approach in various settings, and works for establishing the innovative view on conflicts and how to deal with them through networking with institutions and authorities.
Prior to this focus on working ´at home´, Wolfgang has gathered experiences in different fields of conflict-transformation and development work mainly in the south of the Philippines, Cambodia and Papua New Guinea. Starting off with a degree in Social Work (Berlin, Germany) he earned a PhD in Political Science (University of Siena, Italy) and certificates as Peace and Conflict