Sharon has been active as a mediator since 1996. Her qualifications include a Certificate in Conflict Resolution from the Justice Institute, Bachelors degree from Simon Fraser University and a Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Conflict Analysis and Management from Royal Roads University. Her MA includes conflict theory and in particular conflict within groups, such as workplace, non-profit societies and housing communities. Her major thesis work was completed in collaboration with Cowichan Tribes, Duncan, BC. She researched intra and inter group conflict between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and Cowichan Tribes with respect to community housing issues.
Sharon mediated a variety of disputes in Small Claims Court for 15 years until the Court Mediation Program was shut down due to the creation of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”). Sharon worked under contract with Mediate BC as a CRT senior case manager to facilitate online resolution of claims for several years. She also has experience mediating WorkSafe BC disputes. As a Chartered Arbitrator, Sharon has experience arbitrating strata (condominium) disputes and motor vehicle. At the 2023 ADRBC symposium she was a panel member on “Community-Based High Risk Conflicts”. Sharon sits as a member of the 2024 symposium organizing team.
Her business background includes investigating/mediating human rights disputes and property management, managing both strata and rental properties and is currently a Managing Broker. She tutors two business courses at Sauder UBC and volunteers for Restorative Justice Cowichan.