Julia Menard is a mediator, trainer, certified coach, on Mediate BC’s civil roster and a Faculty member at the Justice Institute of BC for the last 20 years. Her mediation experience spans 25 years, starting as a community mediator, then as co-director of a victim-offender mediation program that produced a book on Restorative Justice. Since the late 1990s, Julia’s practice has focused exclusively on conflict within public organizations, in particular health care, government and the Academy. She is co-author of “Hold On To Yourself – How to Stay Cool in Hot Conversations” and the sole Canadian distributor and trainer for Mediator in a Box – an innovative and tactile way to engage difficult conversations. Julia is the co-founder of the Victoria Mediators’ Lounge, a member of the Human Resource Advisory Committee for Camosun College and has been published extensively, including for Law Now, Focus Magazine and Readers’ Digest. Julia is a principal of Restorative Solutions – www.restorativesolutions.ca and blogs about health, the environment and negotiation at www.juliamenard.com.

Julia Menard
M.Ed., P.C.C., Cert. Con.Res.