Dr. Rob Hershorn, PhD, is workplace culture facilitator and coach providing authentic leadership and teambuilding skills to organizations and individuals alike. He transforms interpersonal dynamics from conflict to resolution through soft skill and awareness techniques. This work includes active listening, difficult conversations and appreciative inquiry. Private and public organizations have commended him for considerably improving their working relationships. He also specializes in diversity and inclusion, providing advanced communication practices designed to help participants to assist one another to work through their cultural misunderstandings and inequitable relationships. He is a regular speaker at a number of professional conferences attended by project managers, business analysts and top executives and has facilitated successful public consultations. Rob has written numerous articles and been interviewed extensively on the benefits of self-awareness to enhance workplace culture. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in conflict resolution at the Truman Institute, has extensive training in non-violent communication and has taught communication and conflict resolution for the last fifteen years at universities in Canada and overseas.