Brin Hamilton is a conflict consultant, mediator, arbitrator, facilitator, human resources professional, and a Partner at ADR Education, a pan-Canadian dispute resolution firm. She is an ardent educator and teaches people of all ages and backgrounds in a variety of organizational and community settings in order to build their capacity to develop lasting and meaningful relationships. She is passionate about helping others navigate conflict through effective communication and alternate dispute resolution.
Brin has been an Associate Faculty member at Royal Roads University since 2016 in the School of Humanitarian Studies. She currently serves as a Director and Past President on the ADR Institute of British Columbia (ADRBC) Board of Directors, and as Vice President of the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC) Board of Directors.
Brin holds a Masters of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Management from Royal Roads University and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Saskatchewan. She is a Qualified Mediator (Q. Med.), Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb.), and a Certified Professional in Human Resources (CPHR).
Brin lives in Vancouver with her husband, their four young children and dog, and her jungle of houseplants. She enjoys spending her free time outside with her family.
Cell: 604-762-7116