Aaron Lyons is an internationally experienced restorative justice specialist with 15 years’ service in case facilitation, training, implementation, research, consulting and coalition-building. He is a Co-Founder of Just Outcomes, a national consulting organization dedicated to supporting communities and organizations in developing just responses to harm and crime. Aaron brings a decade of experience facilitating victim offender dialogue in cases of serious and violent crime within the Canadian correctional system, and offers a keen practical understanding of trauma to his work with individuals relationships and systems. Aaron has worked across several continents and wide array of cultural contexts, from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to remote hamlets in the Canadian Arctic. He holds a Masters’ Degree in Conflict Transformation from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (USA). Aaron is a firm believer in the ability of people to grow and discover their own creative ways through even the most difficult life experiences; and the need for well-designed systems to support this growth. He lives in Fort Langley, BC, with his wife and two young boys.