Cherie Williams and Dawn Wattie – Panel Chair
November 20th
A common issue of dispute between commercial tenants and landlords is the matter of rent review in the renewal option clause, found in commercial lease agreements. These disputes are often resolved through commercial arbitration. In this interactive session you will learn about best practices when arbitrating these disputes and if-and-how the legislative changes in the new Arbitration Act (BC) impact commercial lease arbitrations. Prepare to mark your diary as the ADRBC Symposium Webinar Series continues with “The Do’s and Don’ts of Rent Renewal Arbitrations and Commercial Leases”. This webinar brings together an esteemed panel from a wide spectrum of diverse backgrounds. We are extremely privileged and honoured to introduce: Kenneth Glasner, Q.C. FCIArb, seasoned commercial arbitrator and mediator; George E.H. Cadman, Q.C. , lead counsel on rent renewal arbitrations; and Carl Nilsen, B.SC., FRICS, AACI, P.APP., rent renewal arbitration appraiser. This is milestone event you will not want to miss.