Bob Finlay has been a mediator for the last 25 years mediating Family Law files, Child Protection files and workplace disputes. He has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, is a Registered Family Therapist, a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a Parenting Co-ordinator. He has authored over 80 Section 211 reports and 175 Views of the Child Reports. His mediation practice includes specializations in settling Parental Alienation files and parenting disputes such as parenting time, overnights, and safety plans where there are allegations of family violence, addictions and mental health issues.
He is the Intake Co-ordinator and Consultant for ReConnect a group of mental health professionals who work with families where a child resists contact with a parent. The management of the emotional climate in mediation is key to making forward progress. Bob has found that if the mediator is able to flex their style and approach to match the psychological characteristics of the parties and their Counsel, that the parties can be more likely to engage constructively in mediation.
They are more likely to become less resistant to negotiating a settlement. He is currently examining ways to apply the Stages of Change model to mediation where the mediator flexes their style according to the stage of change of each participant.