Connie D. M. Allsopp, Ph.D., is a business and education consultant in private practice, the founder of The World’s Registrar, and a former supervisor/ instructor at the University of Victoria, B.C. Canada. Dr. Allsopp holds a B. Ed. in Literacy and Inclusive Education, a M.Ed. in Administration, and a Ph.D. in Leadership Education from the University of Manitoba, along with a Post Doc. in Program Education from the University of Victoria. She has twenty plus years of teaching, consulting and school leadership at all levels while concurrently working as an entrepreneur in product sales and online marketing. Additionally, she serves on the review board of the Journal of School Leadership, and has authored/coauthored business cases studies with instructor manuals.
She has given education talks in China, served on a medical team in Dominican Republic, and helped construct a public school in Mexico. In B.C. she launched a not-for-profit dental clinic for children and youth, and more recently, worked in a family style dental clinic. Her research focus has been on leadership education, knowledge mobilization, entrepreneurship, strategy, project management, and program evaluation. Contact her at