Having spent the last 30 years as a Professional Agrologist, helping agricultural producers find solutions to their management, environmental and production challenges, I’ve recently found a new passion: helping people find creative solutions to their conflicts by building understanding through constructive communication, mediation, relationship building, conflict & communication coaching, group facilitation and multi-stakeholder consultation. Part-time, between 2011 & 2013, I competed a Certificate in Conflict Resolution – Mediation at the Justice Institute of BC.
From 2012 to 2013, I received mentorship in mediation with Grasslands Mediation in Swift Current, SK. Areas of mediation mentorship experience included, victim-offender, workplace conflict, farm debt, family disputes/separation and commercial disputes. My focus is on workplace and land/resource use conflict resolution throughout Western Canada. I joined ADRBC as a member in 2013 because it was the only democratically run organization that served ADR professionals with both a Provincial and National voice and provided a Nationally recognized credential based on ADR training and experience. I joined the Board of Directors in 2015 with an interest to help the organization build its presence in BC and develop services for members and the public. I feel this organization and our National organization, ADR Institute of Canada, have an important role to play in creating industry standards to serve the public, promoting ADR and supporting ADR professionals.